
List of Features and Commands

Slash commands are here!

You can now interact with Tux and other bots by using / as a universal prefix. To learn more about why we must switch to slash commands, check out this article.

Tux's default prefix and custom prefixes are deprecated and will be completely unusable by April 2022.

Retrieve a large avatar of yourself or any mentioned user.

Check the Tux coin balance of yourself or any mentioned user.

Report a bug to Tux. Please be specific and include recreate conditions.

Get a color representation of the hex value entered.

Send any emote that Tux can access by name, regardless of nitro status you can send emotes animated or not.

Toss a coin, get heads or tails in return.

Send a friend request to a mentioned user.

Remove a friend from your friend list.

Send the information and contents of a message by message link from any server and channel Tux can access.

Get a link to this commands page.

Get a Invite link for Tux.

Lists all 50 supported languages and language codes for Tux's translation feature.

Get current Discord api ping.

Get the profile of yourself or any mentioned user.

Get a random number between two specified values. For a dice effect use /random 0 6

Give a reputation point to any mentioned user.

Set your bio which appears in your Tux profile.

Send an embed announcement message to the channel of your choice.


Get information on the server you've executed the command in.

Set the welcome message of your server. Use <user> placeholder to mention the new user.


Set the channel you would like welcome messages to be sent in.


Suggest a feature for Tux to learn, we will try our best to get it done.

Get a link to the Official Tux Server.

Translate a specified message to a specified language by entering the language code (found by using /languages) followed by the message you would like translated.

Get information on your favourite penguin Tux.

Get user information on yourself or any specified user.

Get the vote link to receive tux coins.

Ready to join Tux in gathering communities world wide?